Critical areas of focus for Healthcare IT (HIT) include:
1. translating incorporating the results of research into health IT products
Creating breakthrough solutions, technologies, and services, which may be applied in health IT in the near- and long-term, and which address identified challenges and opportunities relevant to the adoption and meaningful use of health IT;
Identifying a range of model (proof-of-concept) systems that serve as motivating and unifying forces to drive fundamental research in health IT; and
Encouraging effective use of health IT through rapid dissemination of research results, findings on innovations and novel tools, to developers and purchasers of health IT
Major topics for research could include:
• Creating models that support dynamic abstraction of clinical information
• Techniques for parsimonious information display information that simplifies, while capturing essential features of a clinical decision problem
• Understanding decision making under stress and time pressure, and its implications for cognitive support
• Communication to clinicians, addressing message content and delivery, that blends with workflow
• Methods to support decisions that involve multiple stakeholders, taking into account their preferences and utilities
• Methods for minimizing and simplifying, when it is necessary, manual data input by clinicians